How Pat Came to Know & Work with the Forgiveness Spirit Guides

This is a meditative journey story. You will get the greatest value if you meditate (close your eyes, breath deeply and evenly, listen from your heart) while listening to this story of connecting with the guides. You can also make a prayer to the Forgiveness Guides to help you forgive while listening to this healing journey story.

Master Kirael on the Forgiveness Guides. 4.23.08 webcast

Sacred Peru Magical Power Spots

Lake Titicaca Flute Song of the Soul

Invocation of the Great Powers of the Universe to Help Us Forgive

Listen to these ancient star mantras while asking to receive the gift of forgiveness.



* Clear & untangle negative energy patterns in your own template.
* Obtain clarity about forgiveness, soul contracts, responsibility of your actions, thoughts, feelings, and prayers.
* Learn about the energetics and spiritual forces that reside in Lake Titicata.
* Learn about how to invoke these powerful allies in healing and clearing your physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
* Increase your capacity to hold the light.
* Learn to utilize golden photon particles for self healing physically, emotionally, mentally. Self healing in the great shift in consciousness that is now fully underway on this planet.
* Take home skills that you can use for ongoing healing and personal development and evolution.
* Notes and journal for your continued expansion of understanding and ability to love and nurture relationships - with yourself and others.
* Safe, nurturing environment for the unfolding of your soul power in light and love.


Your goal for this workshop.
Powerful forgiveness stories.
What IS and what IS NOT Forgiveness.
Forgiveness & Health.

3. CHANTING OF SACRED SOUNDS to release, heal, and re-align.


4. USING PHOTON ENERGY FOR SELF HEALING EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY. Instruction and practice in working with golden photon particles for self healing physically, emotionally, mentally.

5. Review and experiences shares.


1. Journal to document and capture your experiences.
2. Pure water.
3. Healthy Refreshments to share.
4. Open Heart.

845 . 434 . 3829

Why Take This Workshop

Forgiveness opens the door to love.

1. Do you self-sabotage?
2. Do you have feelings of Unworthiness?
3. Are you carrying old baggage?
4. Do you wall yourself up and create hard places that make you sick?
5. Not forgiving can hurt your heart.
6. Do you want to have more love and be in unconditional love.


1 hour +
Message from the Spirit Guides of Forgiveness from Lake Titicaca, Peru.

Guided meditations for forgiveness, special messages.

As they become available.

- 2 Hours

Usually night before any of the other workshops... a preview and mini sample session with Spirit Guides of Forgiveness from Lake Titicaca in Peru.

Also a spiritual travalogue of the major power spots of Lake Titicaca and Macchu Picchu in Peru - especially for those travelling to these and other sacred power places.

Introduction to Healing Energies of Peru, Lake Titicaca & Machu Picchu
I FORGIVE mantra
Group Process Work
Self Healing with Golden Particles


Introduction to Healing Energies of Peru, Lake Titicaca & Machu Picchu
Invocation of Healing Spirit Guides of Forgiveness from Lake Titicaca and other Celestial Beings of Light
I FORGIVE mantra
Golden Particle Self Healing
Toning & Chanting
Q & A with Spirit Guides of Forgiveness from Lake Titicaca


I FORGIVE mantra
Golden Particle Self Healing - Guided Meditation & Sharing
Healing with Group Mantra Sacred Sounds
Q & A with Peruvian Lake Titicaca Spirit Guides of Forgiveness
Deep Process Work & Sharing


I FORGIVE mantra
Golden Particle Self Healing
Healing with Group Mantra Sacred Sounds
Q & A with Peruvian Lake Titicaca Spirit Guides of Forgiveness
Quantum Healing Group Session
Extended Group & Individual Deep Process Time
Time for Reflection & Healing in Time Out from Ordinary Life.

Notes from Peru ....Love one Another

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dear Hearts,

Today in Peru, at Lake Titicaca, I spent in Shamanic clearing..... an expected result of the all the incredible energies I have downloaded the last few days here in this doorway of planetary light flooding the planet.

I thank each of you who are participating in spreading this radiance around the planet in its highest vibration of unconditional love and healing to elevate our planet.

My one quick report from the field, is that EACH of us, to be purveyors of love and light and healing, MUST continue to clear our human templates of the drudge of ill-will, hatred, suspicion, judgment, etc, etc.

So many modalities have been streamed onto this planet in the past few decades... such as EMF (Emotional Freedom Technique) and such.

Whenever we catch ourselves caught up in an old reflex of anything other than unconditional love, it is a MOMENT TO HEAL by just turning inward and asking the universe for the tools and help to come to each of us to clear the accumulated soot of planetary garbage out of our hearts, minds, systems.

Though this healing, we can each become stronger vessels for the flooding streams of light to penetrate through the clouds of smog on this planet, and create the new golden age of love and peace we are all working to co-create.


Pat Crosby

Humanity is caught up in the mass consciousness belief system of the third/fourth dimensions
whereby the core issues from the past and the imperfections within your ancestral DNA will cause these symptoms to manifest if you allow yourself to
feel unloved, unworthy, or feel guilt, shame or resentment in any form.

All these negative energies are a result of deep core memories from your ancient past rising to the surface so you can release them once and for all.

Every dear soul, in varying ways and degrees, has been ostracized, tortured and even killed in numerous lifetimes. However, it is time to heal those painful
memories of the past and with our help it is possible to do so.

Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman, April 2008

Sacred Urubamba River around Machu Picchu

We saw this river start as a little trickle high up in the Andes on our all day drive from Puno & Lake Titicaca. Here, after traversing the Sacred Valley of the Incas, it boils and swirls in mad rapids around the base of Machu Picchu mountain. It was not easy to get to the sacred initiation mountain of Machu Picchu - 4 days walk on the Inca trail, 2 days walk UP the mountain, somehow crossing this boiling river....


In Business, Relationships, Community.



Friday, March 28, 2008

Change Yourself, Change the World - through Meditation & Angels

ANGEL 8 Aries,

The Angels of Powers of Quaballah Meditations

Posted by: "Spiritus Sanctus" angels30315

Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:48 am (PDT)


<> 8
degrees Aries
The Angels of Powers of Quaballah Meditations
Also known as

The Angels of ‘Ramara’


We are experts in the cosmic language and the use of ceremony. We teach The
Children of Light how to access their Divine Birthright of Power and Victory
for the purpose of creating new realities of Divine Love on Earth.

We inspire comprehension and access to inner guidance from Divine Providence
in prayer and meditation. In this way miraculous collaborative power is
unleashed to work with Divine Being in Freedom and Independence, Wisdom, and

We teach how to "co-create with Divine Providence", through meditating on
various letter combinations of the cosmic language.

A Child of Light accesses states of attunement and meditation that give
birth to wisdom, freedom, and control over magnetic powers of pure divine

Meditation, using all four brainwave states in conjunction with divine
virtues, are the mythical "forge of Vulcan".

Meditations and letter combinations of the Divine Virtues are magical tools.

By going into deep Delta Brainwave states and connecting one's individual
identity and will with Divine Being and Omnipotent Divine Will for the
highest good, it is possible to forge powerful interventions.

These interventions are contemplated in Theta Brainwave states of deep
inward thought.

Then, by mastering flowing feelings in Alpha brainwave states, and
sensations in Beta brainwave states, these interventions are charged with
enough magnetism and definition to attract new realities into form on Earth.

Listening to inner guidance from Divine Providence is the virtue of letter
R. This virtue shines with a golden light, and is the most dense of the
virtues of the earth element. It has the sensation of weight. This virtue
exemplifies the activity of Divine Providence, the ONE BEING, working
through the MANY CHILDREN OF LIGHT in unique and individual ways for each
one in each moment and in each situation.

Wisdom and enlightenment is the virtue of letter A, which shines with a sky
blue light. When a Child of Light follows inner guidance to manifest Love
in Creation, the virtue of wisdom and enlightenment is revealed. This
virtue is the attunement of individual mind with Divine Mind, so that the
original purity of all ideas are understood. The mind is the air element
of relaxation and ease.

As the original purity of all ideas are embraced, imperfections are
recognized and gladly released for transformations into other states that
are the highest good. This is the virtue of umlaut A, ae, shining with a
loamy brown light and the sensation of weight.

Emotions are magnetic energy that attract realities into form. By feeling
divine feelings of that which has been revealed through inner guidance and
enlightenment, a Child of Light creates magnetism that ATTRACTS into form
new realities of love. Divine feelings are the virtue of letter M, which
shines with a blue green light. Feelings are the water element that has the
sensation of coolness changing to chill. The purpose of including
sensations in meditations of the divine virtues, is that sensation activates
the Beta brainwaves of the five senses, so that all four elements are
included and the virtues are attracted into physical reality.

The virtue of wisdom and enlightenment awakens the faculties of
clairvoyance, clairaudience, the power of levitation, and other mystic
gifts, such as eloquence and artistic talent. With these gifts, a Child of
Light connects with minds of other beings for the purpose of helping
manifest new levels of wisdom and enlightenment. Imperfections are pointed
out and released.

Following inner guidance, a Child of Light continues to follow directions of
guidance coming from within. Whatever is needed in any situation becomes
clear, and by using The Power of the Word in being, will, thought, feeling,
and sensation, in meditation with the divine virtues, new creations of
Divine Love are created into being.

With these new realities, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind,
the original Divine Blueprints of everything in existence, come into
manifestation and negative situations and beings are brought under control.

The heavenly hosts of ‘Ramara’ inspire the appropriate letters of the Cosmic
Language to create the appropriate changes to manifest Divine Love on earth.


Here is one of our stories:


Once upon a time, an employee at a large corporation watched in alarm as his
company routinely committed serious violations of The Law of ONE, The Law of
The Highest Good of All and Harmlessness.

Over months and years he had worked there he had seen projects undertaken by
the corporation that damaged and destroyed lives, precious lives, of both
humans and animals. He noticed that the environment had been severely and
routinely compromised for the sake of "the bottom line."

Due to his family’s needs, he did not consider it wise, or even effective,
to quit or blow the whistle to uncaring government agencies, so he turned to
studies of deep spiritual wisdom teachings, looking for another way.

He discovered the heavenly hosts, and learned the cosmic language.

Then he asked the Angels of ‘Ramara’ for help.

The Angels of ‘Ramara’ inspired him in his studies of The Cosmic Language
and helped him master meditations at an almost supernatural speed.

Deep in prayer one night, before falling off to sleep, he stayed lucid as he
drifted into a deep state of pure being, a deep delta brainwave state of
pure unity with Divine Being and Omnipotent Divine Will. The Angels of
‘Ramara’ inspired him to think of the letter "M".

Immediately he saw himself as a tiny dot in his solar plexus. His
imagination visualized the lovely blue green color that radiated from a
tiny sun in his abdomen area, which he saw as a hollow space. He willed to
f low with feelings of courage and faith, and to enliven his emotions with
divine feelings so that they would create enough magnetic energy to
attract wonderful changes in physical reality.

He intoned the letter M to the musical note D, flowing with divine feelings
of life in every cell of his body.

He was filled with sensation s of coolness. With his out breath, he
imagined this blue green magnetic magnetism radiating out through the pores
of his skin over the abdomen and attracting divine beauty, life and love
into every being on Earth and in the outer universes.

After continuing this for a while, keeping the rhythm of his breath natural,
he dissolved the blue green light in his body.

He visualized the letter A and its soft, beautiful, pale blue light.

The light blue light shone from a tiny sun in his lungs. With omnipotent
faith he visualized wisdom and enlightenment awakening in his thoughts and
in the belief systems of all humanity. He intoned the letter A in the
musical note of G and relaxed into complete feelings of wisdom and
enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind, expanding
into the mind of All of creation. He then dissolved the light blue light in
his body and visualized the loamy brown light of umlaut A, ae. He
experienced, visualized, felt and sensed imperfections being released for
transformation throughout the Earth.

Then he visualized the letter R. He imagined a golden light shining from a
tiny sun in the leg region. His heart filled with excitement as the Divine
Virtue of Freedom and Independence, of following inner guidance flooded his
deep will and inner world. As he breathed out, this radiance shone through
the pores of the skin of his left nostril.

He saw the whole Earth shining with the golden light of Freedom; wonderful,
virtuous, impeccable Freedom that comes from following clear inner guidance
from omnipresent Divine Providence. He saw each and every being in perfect
harmony with Divine Providence. He saw all beings creating Heaven on Earth
in complete sovereignty through inner guidance from Divine Providence, the
unified field of being, will and feelings, of sensation, of light and sound.

He moved into the virtue of letter L, and imagined the olive green light of
the splendor and majesty of The Divine. He was flooded with flowing feelings
of awe at the majesty of Divine Being, and true spiritual morality and
infinite vitality. He had the sensation of ease filling all of inner and
outer space. He felt all of the divine virtues taken together bringing
vitality and true morality to himself and to all the outer universes.

Flowing with feelings of completeness, satisfaction, and peace, he awakened
refreshed the next morning.

At work he felt the major shift that he had experienced in meditation the
night before, it was a big difference. He sensed that the virtues of the
night before had penetrated everything, and he knew with certainty, on an
intuitive level, that change had begun.

Each night he found himself repeating the meditation effortlessly,
sometimes using other letters and their virtues that came through
inspiration, before drifting off to sleep.

So it came as no surprise to him each day to learn of beneficial changes
occurring both within his company and in the world.

One change followed another according to the mysterious plans of Divine

Exactly one year after his first meditation, he was sitting in wonder
looking out of a big window at an expansive view from the top story of the
company office building. He had moved into a spacious corner office. How
amazing that a lowly legal assistant could rise to such heights in such a
short period of time!

With a sigh of relief and satisfaction, he picked up a pen and signed orders
to restore millions of acres of sensitive forest habitat to the care of
indigenous people, protecting them forever. As a welcome effect of this,
his company was receiving much free beneficial publicity, and great loyalty
from an ever growing consumer base.

Other important papers concerning earth stewardship were stacked on his

The angels watched in joy as he signed order after order directing
production of beneficial new technologies to restore the environment.

When the press received information concerning some of these, there would
be exultation across the globe.

If the projected figures were right, the earnings of the company would be
very good at the same time that millions of customers were given heat and
power for free. All they would have to do is install his company’s modestly
priced durable power generators that ran off of water and emitted pure

It amazed him how quickly all this had transpired once he invoked the
heavenly hosts and learned how to use his being, will, thought, feelings and
sensations in conjunction with divine virtues.

He had reclaimed the power to create Paradise.

The Angels of ‘Ramara’ rejoiced in this victory for Love.




R… A person has sovereign autonomy, Freedom and independence, to follow
inner guidance to initiate

A and umlaut A, ae…the magical abilities of the enlightened mind, and to
release imperfections for changes into other states that are the highest

M…Exercising absolute mastery of the magnetic powers of emotion,

A...a person attracts new manifestations with acute perception of the most
profound cosmic truths, and control over negativity.

R…With perfect mentally, in pure service of divine law.

A…Wisdom and enlightenment for all is produced as the outcome, and whatever
is imperfect is released and transformed.

The melody of our name is C, G, C, D, G, C, C, G, and C.





The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very
ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of
three of the world's religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in
the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her. The
being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers
and influence.

* Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks in the
angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is
referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6, and
Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE
KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4]. Publisher is Dieter
Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information
for these studies.


The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory
book for the others. Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the
Magician", gives historical background and was compiled by his German
publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon. This book is most important
for understanding present day political issues.



If you have these, read Frabato the Magician first, with appendixes, and
then read appendixes from the other three for background.

If you have questions about how to meditate on the divine virtues or what
the angel messages are about, go to the archives at the lovingpurelove
egroup in Yahoo. * Previous messages contain instructions on the method of
meditation for the divine virtues.
The lovingpurelove egroup site is a loving cyber family learning together.

The angel messages are indexed there. Email Polly at>

Or go to the lovingpurelove website

We have a yahoo group for people who want to receive only the angel messages
and have access to all previous messages on the web.

Go to <>

Email for 12 one page indexes, one for each sign of the zodiac, containing
a list of 30 messages with descriptions, with DIRECT links to all the
UPDATED angel messages on the web. For these links to work, you must be a
member of lovingpurelove egroup or spiritusangelmessages.


If you don't have an instrument for playing the sounds (pitches) associated
with each letter, here is a program which will play the notes at the correct
pitch like a tuning fork:


For a copy of the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, which stimulates whole brain
functioning, go to

And for information on emotional processing (Emotional Healing Exercises),
go to

Books on emotional healing by Dennis Linn, Sheila Linn and Matt Linn are
recommended. Also recommended: THE NEW PRIMAL SCREAM, by Dr. Arthur Janov,
and any books by William R. Emerson Ph.D.

{Note: The entire process of recapitulating and healing wounded emotions is
elaborated in detail in a new book in process, “Healing the Past for Good”
being written from the teaching materials of the late Dr. Michael Schlosser,
Ph.D., to be published in the future.}

copyright: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser

Stationery by Polly Menendez

Feel free to share these messages.

Note: The messages that were sent out originally are being rewritten daily
with important information. It’s good to update the original messages in
your archives.

Home site:
Sacred Art, music, and additonal informative and insightful sharings

Selected site for catalogued images of Cynthia’s paintings and Giclee


Conference Call Updates
go to <>
and click the appropriate link.


The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over
all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are healed.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all;

and now, and through all time and space.
I give thanks that this is done.




<> music link
(left click, play - right click, save)





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